Modernization of the Mausoleum Elevator
The modernization of the elevator circuit system has started. The [...]
2070 Hoefleys Ln, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
2070 Hoefleys Ln, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
The modernization of the elevator circuit system has started. The [...]
Please read latest update Notice - The mausoleum elevator has [...]
All decorations that are placed on a grave or plot [...]
NOTICE - the Mausoleum elevator is currently out of service [...]
All decorations that are placed on a grave or plot [...]
The Madonna Cemetery office is closed on the following holidays: [...]
We are asking families to place one small unbreakable ornament [...]
All decorations that are placed on a grave or plot [...]
Located on the Southwest wall in the lower Madonna Chapel Section of our community mausoleum, this niche wall features single and double urn options.
2023 Spring cleanup has started. All Holiday decorations that are [...]